Ayurvedic Gifting Collection

Beauty, Balance, and Healing

Give More Than a Gift

Share the Wisdom of Ancient Wellness

Ayurvedische Schoonheidsritueel Kit


Ayurvedische Schoonheidsritueel Kit

€69,00 €55,00
Ayurvedic Wellness Thailam Set


Ayurvedic Wellness Thailam Set

€112,00 €85,00
Detox & Vernieuw Ayurvedische Set


Detox & Vernieuw Ayurvedische Set

€45,00 €34,00

Give the Gift of Holistic Health This Festive Season

Kumkumadi Abhyanga Ritueel Kit


Kumkumadi Abhyanga Ritueel Kit

€78,00 €62,00
Essentiële oogverzorgingsset


Essentiële oogverzorgingsset

€62,00 €48,00
Art of Vedas - Ruby Collection - Ayurvedic Skincare and Wellness collection with Kumkumadi and Royal Saffron Rituals


Kumkumadi Saundarya Ritueel Kit

€126,00 €90,00